The University Cooperation NETWORK “Strengthening the role of ICT in Cuban Universities for the development of society”, (also known as REDTIC or VLIRED.CU) is an academic program that focuses on the development of human capabilities through High impact research relevant to the country’s economic and social priorities, all related to ICT. It proposes, among its objectives, the development of postgraduate programs supported by ICT and offered through distance education modalities with a joint curricular design and doctoral training in disciplines related to ICT.

Research in ICT related sciences (RESICT)
Master's or doctorate specialization training project in the branches of computing.

Open ICT and management systems (ICTSYS)
Project focused on supporting server and service technologies that provide the technological infraestructure for TIC.

ICTs that support educational processes and knowledge management in higher education (ELINF)
Cuba's most important online service to share and increase the visibility of the scientific and academic production of Cuban higher education.

Support Program (PSUP)
Project responsible for the management and extension activities of the Network.

Workshop on ELINF Ecosystem developers
The workshop for developers of the ELINF project taking place from February 14 to 17. The objective has been the…
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